Breathe in. Breathe out. Let go. Arrive.

Citizen2be - mental health support for refugee women, children, and youth through trauma-informed yoga.

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About us

Citizen2be is a non-profit organization founded in 2016 by Bettina Schuler with the aim of helping adults, youth and children to better process trauma related experiences through somatic therapy and movement work such as yoga, mindfulness training and meditation.

Über uns

Unsere Projekte

Trauma-informierte Yogastunden

Die trauma-informierten Yogastunden sind das Kernstück von Citizen2be. Die Lehrerinnen, die bundesweit diese kostenfreien Citizen2be-Stunden geben, sind von Bettina Schuler und Annette Söhnlein dafür eigens ausgebildet worden.

Body therapy for Long-COVID

Body therapy for Long-COVID
Citizen2be has responded to the health needs of the Covid-19 pandemic by initiating a post-COVID program for people suffering from the consequences of the illness.

Mental Health for Ukraine

Im Rahmen des Projektes „Mental Health For Ukraine“ werden ukrainische Familien, insbesondere Kinder und Jugendlichen bei der Verarbeitung ihrer Erlebnisse mental unterstützt.

Support us

Are you enthusiastic about our initiative and would like to support us with your time, a donation, or an event? Learn more about ways to help out here.



„The most beautiful things that Yoga gave me are concentration, self confidence, good health, and appreciation and thankfulness to all the beautiful people and friends that I have.“Duaa Z., Citizen2be Participant

„I love going to women's yoga because it brings peace and harmony to my heart. It opens the door to my soul and releases unexpected energy and strength.“Daniela, Citizen2be Participant

„Yoga sets the trauma-induced hardening in motion and thus triggers healing emotional processes that bring people out of their focus on fear.“Gesa Schramm, Psychologist